Stone Soup for Five: Kristen's Bible Journal and Interview

Kristen's Bible Journal and Interview

I got a chance to interview Kristen who has done the free Ephesians Bible study. 
(Get your copy by subscribing on the right!) 

I love her insights and thoughts and awesome sense of humor! Thank you so much for sharing your journal pages with us Kristen!  Here is her interview and journal.

Q:  How did you find out about the Journal and Doodle through the Bible Studies?
I was about to start studying Ephesians at my church's women's bible study and wanted to try something different...something that would make me excited to study & not my typical dry, boring approach. My previous journals are entirely composed of paragraphs and lists. Looks like a bunch of notes - not bad, but I wanted something different.  I went to pinterest and searched for "Bible journal" I got a bunch of results, somehow in my searching I found someone had pinned your 'in Christ' doodle (from Ephesians) and I was wowed...I was like " THIS!" 

I took a photo of my notebook to say "Look, I took a notebook that's $1.50 and filled it with wonderful things."  I did all of my pages with a black ballpoint pen. So truly, nothing special needed as you first start out! 

Q: What do you like about the Journal and Doodle studies?
I like the "levels" which is so appropriate and needed for us women & our various stages of life. I like that the study gave a general idea for each chapter but did not spoon feed a bunch of answers.  (I hate that about most women's "fill in the blank" style studies. Ick.)  Love the "challenge" at the end to go back through the journal to review and live out what I learned. Love that it was like a springboard to look deeply at other topics not covered in your study.  Will you think I'm cheap if I say I also love the price? 

Q:  How have the Journal and Doodle studies made your time with the Lord different?
It excites me!  Also - one of my biggest hurdles with Bible study is simply taking the time to read, understand, and digest what I am reading. It can be a real challenge to get past simple devotional reading. Or to read and then forget what I read by lunchtime. 

The journal and doodle study is a wonderful combination of reading & study.  And because of the doodling I believe I am processing the information in a deeper, more meaningful, much more personal way than I have before. 

I found that I remembered what I was learning and that I was able to share with others what He was saying to me and teaching me. 
 Doodles and journaling have been relaxing and fun...a way to tap back into my creative side that fell by the wayside a bit with pregnancies/nursing/late nights/wiping pre-k butts.  Ha!  

I NEED to be in the Word.  I need to be learning it, I need to be studying it, I need to be interacting with it, I need to be understanding what it says, I need to be taken up with the wonder and goodness of it, and I need to be able to explain it to other people. The study did that for me.  =) 

Thank you SO much Kristen, for sharing your thoughts and your journal pages! I love your sense of humor, honesty, and journal pages!

Be sure to check out all the available Bible studies here.

1 comment:

  1. Terrific interview, and I love the simplicity, yet the detail, of her pages. Thanks for sharing this.....Linda E.


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