Stone Soup for Five: {Share your thoughts} How do we actually live Psalm 37 right NOW?

{Share your thoughts} How do we actually live Psalm 37 right NOW?

Right now we're all in a weird spot. COVID is a jerk and the world is going crazy.  So what are we to do?  What does Scripture have to say about this current situation?

Trust in the Lord,

and do good. 

Dwell in the land

and cultivate faithfulness. 

I'll go first, then you're next:

Trust in the Lord:  Trust is having confidence in God, living in security (not necessarily outward security), and having boldness because of the solid trust I have in His faithfulness.  He will never forsake or abandon me or those I love.  I am to live every moment in that trust. When I start to waver (for me that looks like fear, worry, or anger), I need to withdraw from whatever is making my mind spin out of control and remind myself of His power and love.  

and do good:  is to benefit, to be agreeable, pleasant, moral.  I should be a blessing to my family, even if that family is CONSTANTLY in my space breathing my same air, interrupting my plans, being smelly, or whatever else.  I should be a blessing to my neighborhood by helping with their needs (shopping, giving, assisting, and sharing the good news of Jesus with them).  Doing good to others comes from the deep trust in the Lord that I am growing in.

dwell in the land:  God has placed us here in this house, in this neighborhood, in this church, and in these jobs for a reason.  To dwell in this land is to remain, abide, to settle down.  To be thankful for our current home (however small and whatever repairs are needed), to invest locally in relationships with those around us (sharing produce by overplanting the garden, sharing and discussing books, and getting over my fear and talking about spiritual things).  To dwell is to make this city our home, this house our place to meet with God through discussion and prayer and speaking truth.  And to care for this land and our home physically through prayer walks, praying for our leaders (local and national) and doing the mundane things with excellence (laundry, dishes, decluttering, yard work).

and cultivate faithfulness:  to cultivate is to tend, feed, shepherd, to be a friend of.  I am to tend faithfulness.  Weeding the garden is cultivation, so is fertilizing, watering, and eating of its produce, and a healthy garden requires demands faithfulness.  There isn't a lot of leeway if you want a good harvest. The end goal of cultivation is not to have completed the process of cultivation (is it ever over?), but to have sustenance.  We cultivate our garden to have food to eat through the year.  We cultivate faithfulness not so we can mark that duty off, but to be sustained by faithfulness.  Which goes back to Trust in the Lord.  

How am I personally to cultivate faithfulness?  I need to tend to my time with God.  At this intense point in the summer, if I miss a day or two in the garden, things start to die, blossoms fall, weeds thrive and steal nutrients from the plants I want to grow.  And, at this intense point in the world, if I miss a day or two of meeting with God readjusting my vision to His, my trust starts to waver, doing good becomes too hard, I start dreaming of dwelling in other situations that seem easier, and weeds overtake and choke out the faithfulness I so desperately need to be sustained by.




Now, give it feet, Kari.  Put it to work.

Trust that God is still in control.  Remind myself constantly He is holding all things up and working all things according to His plan.  And if there are things that tend to shake that trust, like reading the news every hour, stop it.  Once a day (or less!) is good enough, there is so much more I have to do around here anyway.

do good by blessing others. Die to self.  The best way to be a blessing is to be praying for others.  Make some phone calls to those I love. (Ugh! Phone calls are the worst, but texts just aren't the same for relationship building.)  Start doing prayer walks around our neighborhood and pray for each house. Say "Hi" if the opportunity arises.  Introduce myself.  Share garden produce and start conversations.  Watch for where God starts working and follow Him there.

dwell in the land by caring for the people and things God has blessed me with. Start praying for our leaders by name rather than complaining about them and encourage my boys to do the same.  Make my home a blessing by tending to it regularly.  Bless those in my home by having a plan for meals, sticking to a budget, and, honestly, at this stage in my boys' lives, shutting my mouth and praying more than talking and "helpful" teaching/lecturing.

cultivate faithfulness by growing good things in my heart by spending time in His word, watching over my heart by searching for and weeding out bad attitudes, lusts, laziness before they overtake my heart.  I need to talk with Him through prayer and Scripture more than I talk to others.  I must take bad, fearful, angry thoughts captive and lay them at His feet.  Over and over and over again so I can be sustained by faithfulness, not fear, anger, or worry.




Ready?  Your turn.  I'd love to learn from you and be encouraged by how you are going to apply this verse practically to your life.  Share your thoughts in the comments below.




  1. A lot of this is so similar in my house, but I also have to add in that I lost a sister to cancer. The cancer came so sudden and took her so quick that she blessedly did not suffer long. My two other sisters and my mom, we are doing okay. For me, all of this is food for thought and a good place for me to start, as I navigate mourning. We place our trust in Jesus, first and foremost. <3

    1. Oh Lisa, I'm so sorry you are walking through the loss of your sister. Cancer just sucks. I pray that the Lord will make His comfort visible to you and that He will uphold and sustain you as you take each day as it comes. He is faithful.

  2. This post is a good one to remind me of the humility I need to have each day. Last week I was prescribed blood pressure medicine. The first day I was mad, and in denial, but I was reminded that God is in control of all the little details of our lives. And I needed to surrender this to him and trust him for this. I had to be brought to my knees to see my pride in this area.

    1. Ugh. That's a hard one, but so glad He was able to show you the need to surrender. Pride comes out in the sneakiest ways.

  3. Trusting God is not easy! It's a lifelong process but it is so much harder when we see so much evil in the world or when we are going through extremely difficult storms (death, illness, loneliness, depression...) We want to know the "why" or we want an immediate response from Him. My difficulty in this has been my need to control things and fix things for others but accepting the fact that I am not God and there's simply things that I cannot fix, humbles me and helps me turn back to Him for His perfect will, infinite love, and trust that He brings it ALL together for the good of all who love Him. Refocus on Him every single moment there is doubt, frustration, anger or anything negative. Simply saying the words "Help Me Jesus" over and over again will bring amazing peace.

    1. So good. "there's simply things that I cannot fix" a lesson I keep having to remember too. I love this. Thank you for sharing!

  4. This hit every point in my life right now. I am first encouraged that someone elses life looks exactly like my own. I have become so down with the mundane things of daily life and i didnt even tend the garden this year, it looks like the rain forest now. The house? that is another matter. I used to do such chores with zeal, but lately, i have lost all zeal to move a finger. After reading this however, I feel very ashamed. I can only pray at this point. The part hit home when you said that God has put us in a town, a home, a job for a reason, all of which i have been taking for granted. I need prayer to lift this depression.

    1. Oh, I so relate to you with the loss of all zeal. It is hard to just do the next right thing. This morning I struggled with all the little things that had to be done. The house wasn't a big mess, but laundry waited, and random things needed to be put back to their homes. It seemed so overwhelming, but when I did just the next thing, it went way quicker than I complained about it taking in my head.
      I'm still right there with ya...(BTW, I LOVE your name!)

  5. So good to see this post! I anxiously await them from you, Kari because they are always full of so much good food to chew on. I appreciate your transparency and the way you flesh out scripture for your followers. I have really struggled as well and become grumbly. You at least have a reason for feeling as you do will a house full of family. I'm retired, children are grown and raising their own children, so the only ones in this house are my husband and two "lottery winner" cats. Still I can find plenty to grumble about. I refuse to listen or check on the news (my husband fills me in on enough of it and the weather forecast every morning to know I don't need anything more filling my brain). So here are my thoughts on Ps 37
    Trust - God has been reminding me over and over again just how faithful He is throughout all the Bible. I often remind myself of how He brought the Israelites into the desert and immediately went to work on building their daily trust in Him as their One and Only God. And He surely had to listen to a LOT of their grumbling and still provided for them. I must put my trust in Him daily that He is the same God today.
    Do good - It is when I get outside of myself and make a dessert for my husband that I know he loves and realizing that I can make two so I can take one to a shut in that I feel the most fulfilled. Also, remembering that my husband is NOT the enemy and I don't have to take my frustrations out on him is also a form of "doing good". Now the cats are another thing - if they get in my way on a bad day, look out!
    Dwell in the Land - this statement always reminds me of Jeremiah 29:4-7 - This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” So if I am feeling like I'm living in "exile" or a "pandemic" He wants me to carry on with life - He hasn't abandoned me so we can trust Him to care for me as I continue to do life with people through phone calls, sending cards and emails, making meals for others and loving on them in what ever form that takes.
    Cultivate faithfulness - For me this is staying in His Word - first thing every morning to center me for the day. Then study for a chance to teach what I learn if ever given the chance. We have no idea if our Wednesday night children's ministry will take place in person this fall. We started writing our own curriculum last year and it was hard to do that this summer not knowing how and if is will be taught. But I realized that regardless I must be faithful in the process and then trust it with God to be used however and whenever He intends. So curriculum is written and now we will pray for creative safe ways to get it out to the children because they need to know God can be "trusted", that they need to "do good", they can learn how to "dwell in the land" - their schools - neighborhoods, and that they too need to "cultivate faithfulness" to God's Word to prepare them for whatever Babylon they may experience in the future.

    Blessings on your day, Kari. Continue to feed us! We need you!

    1. SO GOOD! Thank you for walking through what it looks like for you in day to day life. Very inspiring!
      (I need to know why your cats are "lottery winners" My cat does nothing that amazing!)

  6. I love this. So good to think on and remember. Thank you!

  7. So good and such good reminders! Thank you!

  8. Thank you for sharing, I need to learn that God is a priority in my life ( first thing in the morning and weeding out all that is preventing me from my relationship with the Lord..


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