Stone Soup for Five: {Bullet Journal Weekly Review + Q&A} Week 48

{Bullet Journal Weekly Review + Q&A} Week 48

Well, the week was pretty successful because I knew I'd be putting up this post.  So thank you for keeping me accountable!  Here's how my bullet journal pages ended up this week:

I got a chance to color some of the doodles, that was a fun break!  Also got some online Christmas shopping done, plus a big, gross garden chore of cleaning up the slimy, slug infested, rotted iris patch.  So nice to have that done!  A good thing about here in the Portland area of Oregon is that we can grow cold weather crops in the garden through the winter, but that means weeds also grow... which stinks. So my yard work doesn't end in the winter.

This is what my daily pages look like. They're kind of a mess, but they work for me.  I use them for to do lists, doodles (Still getting to know Cap'n Nestor's gull, Grog, since my son made him up last week.), good quotes and things I'm thankful for (with the hearts in front of them).  I'm also challenging the girls I mentor to share God's story in their life making the gospel of it.  And if I'm asking them to do it, I better do it too.  So I wrote some notes down on the side to think through.

And this is my new weekly spread.  I will fill in the boxes more as the week progresses, but I did refer back to my monthly goals and add a few new ones.  (I need to get that garlic in the ground already! sheesh!)


Also, I thought it might be good to answer a question or two that I occasionally get from readers on my Weekly Review posts.  My friend Diana asked me one this week.  

Q: Do you ever get tired of cooking?

A:  YES!  I definitely get tired of cooking (and especially the clean up afterwards) but have learned some tricks that make it way less of a chore to do.  Of course, I have off days and bad weeks, but when I do these two things, they really help me not hate it so much.

1.  Since I have a menu, it's easy for me to glance at it and look at what I have to do with the meats (that is usually the longest part of meal prep, right?)  If we're having something that requires browned ground beef, I brown it the weekend before. (Saturday is my prep and plan and Weekly Home Blessing day so I can really enjoy Sunday as a rest day.)  If I can do any sort of meal prep before hand (wash, chop, and dry the lettuce) I try to do it on Saturday.  Just that step alone helps make it less of a huge undertaking in the evenings when I'm tired.

2.  When I'm in the kitchen, I try to be FULLY in the kitchen.  If I'm waiting on something (like water to boil) I try to do something else, like rinse and load dirty dishes, put away spices, recycle cans, etc.  I try to remember to use my time in the kitchen as kitchen time.  It's not check email time, or wander to YouTube time (ahem).  If I fully focus on what I'm doing in the kitchen then clean up is usually just the serving dishes and the plates.  Which makes a much happier me after dinner.

Hope you guys have a restful Sunday!  


  1. I love your bullet journal.Thank you so much for sharing it. I tried using one and then stopped because I felt it was a mess, but you have inspired me to try it again.

  2. Thank you, Kari, you are very encouraging!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your pages! I've been Bullet Jounaling in a simple way for several years and like to see what other people do with theirs. I like your idea of using December to get a running start for the new year. I always feel a little behind, if I start organizing my new year after Jan. 1. I enjoyed reading your gospel story note too. What a testimony! God is amazing!


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