Stone Soup for Five: My main goals for 2016

My main goals for 2016

I set big goals last year, and met about three of them. Seriously.  As I was wrapping up 2015 with a review (that I'm still not done with) I realized a lot of the goals were not specific or actionable enough.  So this year I tried to be a little better with that aspect.  And I wrote down my reason WHY I want to achieve the goals, so when it becomes a drudgery (by January 8th usually), hopefully it will encourage me to keep pushing on.  Here are a few of my goals... just the main ones I want to focus on for 2016 and then a breakdown of what I'll do in January.

To meet these goals I will read through all of them weekly, and the January focus areas daily.
My word of the year is QUIET. 
 I need much more QUIET in my life 
and the goals that will help with that are marked with  = QUIET

My body
I want to keep my body in good health. I’ve never struggled with health problems in my life and feel so blessed to have a strong and healthy body.  I want to keep my muscles conditioned and my heart and lungs strong so if and when I do need to climb a big flight of steps, or go on a hike, or run for my life, I’m able to do it.  I also want to change my unhealthy eating habits of too many carbs. I  need a balanced diet of whole foods.

January focus:
  • Daily apple, daily salad --every day in January
  • No bread in January, bread is my kryptonite.
    • no more default of sandwiches or toast.  Think of other options for breakfasts and lunches

Our money
We are almost out of debt and the relief is amazing.  It is so easy for me to be content and relaxed at this stage in the game because paying bills is no problem and we have a small emergency fund.  I need to remember, however, that there are no guarantees.  Anything could happen and I need to get that original intensity back to keep going and gett that last debt paid off save 6 months worth of living expenses for a fully funded emergency fund.
  • Build emergency fund to 3 months of expenses
    • Divide the goal amount down by 12 months to see how much we have to save each month. Write into budget.
  • Pay off debt by December 31, 2016 (or earlier) and take on no additional debt, ever.
    • current debt divided by 12 for monthly amount and write into budget.
  • Be content with what we have = QUIET
  • Plan menu and orderly shopping for staples (include game nights/friends over in budget)
    • alternate weekly for staples: wk 1: laundry products, wk 2: hygiene, wk 3: spices/pantry, wk 4: cleaning products

January focus:
  • No eating out in January 2016
    • keep snacks in car, bring water bottles everywhere
    • don’t shop or run errands before lunch
    • pack co-op lunch Wednesday night

My head
My head is a hot mess.  I’m cluttered, disorganized, easily distracted, and not able to think deeply about anything for any decent period of time.  I think most of that is due to time spent online, on social media specifically--facebook more specifically.  I need WAY less of that and WAY more God.  I love time spent alone, quietly outside without electronic distraction.  I also need to remember that my life is short and I want to do all I can to learn the Word, to be fully used by God, and to share with others how to dig deep into the Word and become more Christ-like.  I have no guarantee of my days, and I’m about mid-life right now.  I need to live with urgency instead of apathetic default!
  • Severely limit Facebook = QUIET
  • Read 2-4 books a month = QUIET
    • Read from the Challies reading challenge
    • Read a set number of pages (25) or chapters (1) a day instead of a time goal
    • 2 books/month = 24 books a year, 3/month = 36, 4/month = 48
    • Only have 2 books going at a time (not including the purse book and the books for class)
  • Develop and stick with a solid morning and evening routine
    • write it out, tweak it, but stick with it!
    • must haves: Bible, prayer, memory, read aloud, elevate app

January focus:

  • Change my password for facebook to a complicated and confusing one that takes forever to type out and that I won't be able to memorize. Then when I do get on, once a day, it will be purposeful and not by default. Delete app off iPad.

  • Finish all partially read books I have going so I can start February fresh

  • My faith
    I long to be a woman who has scripture easily come to mind when praying or talking or encouraging someone.  And I don’t want to be satisfied with the “it’s in the Bible somewhere” kind of thing, but know specifics.  I want the Word to flow from me, and the only way that is going to happen is with deliberate time in it!  I want to memorize some “hang on” verses for the hard times that are bound to come so they flow through my mind in struggles.  I want to work on the nagging sins that seem to always be a struggle (lack of contentment, lack of faith in hard things, gluttony, laziness, self-centeredness).  I also want to grow in faithfulness in prayer.
    • Memorize 12 verses this year (1 a month) Possibly the fighter verses?
    • Pray through the book of Psalms
    • Slow down and meditate this year = QUIET
      • I don’t need MORE reading, I need deeper, slower, more meditative reading
    • Finally finish Overcoming Sin and Temptation (2 years late!)
    January focus:
      • Find verses to memorize
      • work out a meditation plan through Psalm 119 for the year
      • Read 3 chapters in Overcoming Sin and Temptation

    My job

    I absolutely LOVE what I get to do!  I love digging deep into the word and sharing it with others!  I love that I’ll NEVER be able to plumb the depths of God’s word and am so excited to see what He has for each chapter of each study!   I want to use this ministry He gave me to the fullest.  I want all my work to be done with excellence and pray daily that I will handle His word accurately.  I want to grow as a writer, as a blogger, as a marketer, and especially as a believer!
    • Write four all new Bible studies and launch in 2016 (one a quarter)
      • John (February)
      • _______________ (May)
      • _______________ (August)
      • Genealogy of Christ?  (November)
    • Draw at least one biography coloring book through the life of Jacob
      • decide if this is an area to pursue based on feedback
      • Launch in March/April
    January focus:
      • John through chapter 18
      • Work on edits with Kristen as I go

    My Marriage
    Corey and I are doing really well, but we’ve hit a rut.  Our “date nights” are movies.  We need to shake that up... maybe date day trips, going to someplace new, trying something different.  I want to encourage him and help him (with a woodshed, home stuff) etc.  I want each year to be a year where we are growing closer to Christ and each other.

    • Read 2 marriage books
    • Contact friends for ideas for dates and fun outings
    • Schedule in three get-away weekends for just the two of us = QUIET
      • by April, August, December
    • Plan a quarterly day trip to somewhere new for just the two of us = QUIET
      • by March, June, September, December
    January focus:
    • Find marriage book to read
    • Get at least three day trip ideas from friends
    My family
    We are boring.  I admit it.  I thrive in routines and being at home... but those routines and home times could definitely use a makeover.  I need to be intentional with working in fun and change.  The time is short with all boys still at home.  We need to create some memories!
    • Family outdoor vacation (where we are mostly in nature somewhere new)
      • Possible ideas:  Crater Lake, Glacier National Park, Leavenworth, WA, a new beach
      • summer or fall
    • Find three new places to go to in Portland

    January focus:
    • Look into places to go, make a list of at least three
    • Visit at least one new park we haven't been to before

    My friends
    I suck as a friend. Really and truly.  I get so wrapped up in projects and work and homeschool that I rarely take time to visit and enjoy and grow in friendships.  I need to nourish and cultivate the friendships I have!
    • Be sure to energize myself with lots of down time or none of this will happen = QUIET
      • cultivate quiet time during the week as much as possible
    • Make an effort to contact my handful of friends at least once a month
      • card
      • email
      • phone call (yuck)
      • get together for coffee
    • Monthly game night
      • find a game that has high replay value or vary games
      • schedule it in
    • Raclette/BBQ once a month with a family
      • schedule and plan menu and budget it in
      • Purchase another Raclette for two on the table?

    January focus:
    • Get a date on the calendar for first game night/Raclette

    What about you? Do you have any goals? I'd love to hear! Share yours in the comments below, or if you have a blog, link below!

    *this post contains affiliate links to help support this blog at no additional cost to you. Thank you!


    1. Awe great share! Thanks so much forthis post. It has helped me to clarify my process a little better. Looking forward to hearing monthly updates from you? That would be helpful on this end as well =). Best wishes for your January, Kathee Elder

    2. Kari,I've never commented before but I have been a huge fan of your blog and videos since April 2015. You make me laugh. You're real. I totally love your realness! It's refreshing to see someone without the mask that so many of us wear; trying so hard to be the Pinterest Perfect Women. So, thank you!
      I loved this posting, basically I could just copy and print it out for myself because our goals are exactly the same- minus the exercise part! I just thought it was finally time to let you know how much I appreciate you and love your ministry. - God Bless, Jenny Rodriguez Hesperia, Ca

    3. Kari I love this! You are so detailed in your goals! And I'm sure reading through them weekly will help you to stay on track. Thanks so much for sharing!

    4. I love the monthly focus! Not as much pressure as a resolution, which means I'd be more likely to complete it!
      My husband and I use the fighter verse app and love it. It's very helpful, but we go at our own pace. Sometimes one a week, sometimes a couple a month, it just depends on our schedules. We just try to keep moving forward! We've already memorized more scripture in a few months than I have in several years.

      Best of luck in sticking with it!

    5. Excellent post! I especially resonate with your third section. My word for this year is Focus. As in more focus on the Bible and less focus on social media, particularly Facebook and You Tube. Thanks for sharing!

    6. Excellent post! I especially resonate with your third section. My word for this year is Focus. As in more focus on the Bible and less focus on social media, particularly Facebook and You Tube. Thanks for sharing!

    7. Love you goals and how they tie in to your focus area for the year. While I haven't publicized it, my word for the year is Purpose. I want everything I do to have a purpose, with the ultimate purpose being to bring glory to God.

    8. This is an amazing post for me especially because I can identify with everything you have written. I love your honesty and self critique. This post has been an inspiration to me. Like you, I need to make more effort on the friendship scale...especially the dreaded phone calls (hate them with a passion)! Thank you for sharing your thoughts so openly and helping me not to feel like I'm the only one struggling! Karen x

    9. Similar to Tracey's word for the year, mine is "intentional." I want to live with the end in mind ... in every relationship I have and every project I agree to take on.

      As for memorizing Scripture, check out Scripture Typer. It's a great way to memorize and RETAIN God's Word. You can memorize any verse you'd like or choose from several suggested collections on specific topics. Hiding His Word in my heart made all the difference for me last year, and I plan to keep going strong in 2016.

    10. I want to print out your goals!! They are awesome!! I hope I can do just half what you have listed! I am also loving your Ephesians Bible study. I never thought I could have so much fun studying the Bible!

    11. I'll be waiting on February's focus!

    12. Looks like some great goals! I just finished posting about mine, too. :)

    13. Focus is my word this year also.

    14. thanks for sharing your goals, I see some I could work on too!

    15. Thanks Kari. I have only just found your Bible Studies and am enjoying Ephesians very much. My friend Barbara and I have been writing and sharing our goals for many years and we factor in an accountability factor by meeting and praying and checking on each other. I like the way you break down the months and I too have written in goals to limit iPad access

    16. Kari, how creative and innovative are your goals. Alot of them I wanted to do but I have a hard time to change! It's like your creative journaling, beautiful! I love how you make the goal, then set up the breakdowns to make it easier to follow. Love love love you blogging...and studies. thank you and Praise Jesus for me finding your blog, and may He help you reach your goals. thank you

    17. I followed your link and signed up for the Fighter Verses! Thank you!

    18. We must have been cut from similar molds (I totally get the "hot mess head")! :)
      I should make one of my goals something like: Don't make so many goals...
      I did pare things down a lot this year. I needed the break. My word is LESS.
      Thank you for sharing. I think it's so encouraging to share goals with each other and get a glimpse of hearts. I think it really puts flesh on the words that are on the screen.
      Have a beautiful day!

    19. Thanks for your heartfelt sharing! I wanted to adopt several of your goals, but one of my goals is to lower my expectation of myself. As an overachiever I try to take on way too much, then have major failure. My word for the year is Intentional (like listed above). I am 62 and have too many things I still want to do with my life. I've been spending way too much time with social media, etc. My plan is to do things intentionally and not idle my time away. My other goal for now is to work on getting more sleep. My practice has been to sleep about 5 hours a night - which is way to much and makes me difficult to be around. I am working to get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night. Once I get these two things established I'll being contemplating my next goals.

    20. All I can say is WOW, If I could accomplish one of those goals i'd be happy! Praying you get all that God wants for you out of 2016!!! :)

    21. This is truly an awesome thing you are doing for the New Year! I have had some trying years in the past but that is exactly where it needs to stay (in the past)! I feel that God lead me to read this. Setting goals similar to yours is what I really need to do this year. I need to spend quality time with my husband and children. Focus on eating right. More importantly, grow closer to God. Study the Word more and finish reading my Bible this year. Thank you so much for sharing! I pray that you have a very blessed 2016!

    22. This is truly an awesome thing you are doing for the New Year! I have had some trying years in the past but that is exactly where it needs to stay (in the past)! I feel that God lead me to read this. Setting goals similar to yours is what I really need to do this year. I need to spend quality time with my husband and children. Focus on eating right. More importantly, grow closer to God. Study the Word more and finish reading my Bible this year. Thank you so much for sharing! I pray that you have a very blessed 2016!

    23. Popping in a month late but I just sat down and organized my 2016 goals. I was going to do it week one but my dad ended up in the hospital and then passed away on the 8th, throwing my whole life into a tailspin!! I am finally feeling ready to go on with life. My Goal for the year is very similar to yours Kari...It REST! I have been so convicted over the past few months and especially the past few weeks of the need to "Be still and KNOW that I am God". My goals all revolve around this goal of REST, thank you so much for this blog post and really helped me put some concrete ideas and words to the big concept that was floating around in my head. I am also doing the Challies reading challenge and chose books already in December that would assist me in finding rest.


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