Stone Soup for Five: Monday Bullet Journal

Monday Bullet Journal

After the Bullet Journal workshop I did with Mystie Winckler last week, I've had a lot of requests for more updates on my Bullet Journal and how I'm using it. So rather than a big long blog post with all the pages, I'll do a few weekly posts of my pages and inspiration from other people's journals and some tips, tricks, and tools.

I set up my weekly pages last night, during the football game.  I still like this format of a weekly grid across the top of the page with the days of the week, and then goals down the side and my daily to do lists in the middle.  I need things in front of my face where I can always see it.

For future planning I still use a big wall calendar.  It's easy to read, my boys can add their things on it, and it's easy to add items to new months as they come up.

I'm still using the composition notebook and usually the basic non-bleed Sharpie pens that work well for me for now.

And this week I added some notes to hopefully help my focus a bit.


Some great inspirational bullet journal layouts are being featured on the Bullet Journal blog, don't miss them, especially Show and Tell 3

 Someday I hope to grow up and be that excellent of a Bullet Journaler!



What I'm using right now (subject to change, as inspiration hits)

Hope you're inspired to try out the bullet journal, or change things up on yours!  I'd love to hear what you are doing or what works for you too, so let's talk in the comments below!

Some links are affiliate links, that help support this blog at no cost to you.  Thank you!


  1. I am so inspired! My journal comes today so I can start. I really enjoyed the workshop. Thank you!

    1. I hope you start to play with it! I love how you can change it up as often as you want! Thanks!

  2. I love the Bullet Journal system and go back and forth between composition books like yours, ringed binders, and Moleskine/Leuchtturm notebooks. I really like your monthly setup in this post and think I will give it a try. Maybe then I will finally be able to make up my mind on a paper setup! :)

    1. LOL I still haven't made up my mind yet, but love that I don't have to worry about getting bored either! So flexible and fun!

  3. I was at the workshop. Thank you for the close ups of the journal pages. I look forward to your posts and now will add Monday's topic to a list of Must see Posts. Have a good rest of the week. Sarah

  4. You are a huge inspiration Kari!! Since finding your blog through Mystie Winckler, I've watched your YouTube Channel and read several of your blog posts. I even linked you to my blog :)

    I'm in the process of starting a new Bible study with some ladies from our church. We will be reading The Story by Randy Frazee. I'd like to doodle through the study, making notes as I go, but I'm paralyzed at the idea of starting because I worry so about screwing it up :( I realize there is no right or wrong way, but I'm trying to overcome my OCD tendencies ;-p Any thoughts....


    1. I say just jump in and start and think of it as more of a sketch book that allows mistakes and isn't ever going to be seen by anyone. If you haven't gotten the DIY Bible Journal Workbook, I highly recommend that to give you a boost to get going!!/DIY-Bible-Journal-Workbook/p/50970220/category=0

    2. Thanks Kari...I did start and I'm loving it! Today, I posted a sample as well as a link to your post about the new Advent study. I look forward to seeing your finished product :)


  5. The workshop was inspiring and I'm looking forward to the rest of this series! I've been using a bullet journal off and on this year, and I want to be more consistent. I love that you have experimented so much and expressed your creativity with it. I want to do that more, too. I also love your big wall calendar - may I ask where you found it?

  6. Oh, I love this! I just started Bullet Journaling myself. Excited to read and get more inspiration!


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