We seem to have accidentally started a revolution of sorts and I'm not really sure how. I didn't mean to create a "new and exciting" kind of thing because I'm not a "new and exciting" kind of person. (I wanted that in high school when it could have meant something!) My blog is not poetic. My posts are inconsistent. I rarely make any promises that following my advice will change your life (in just five steps!) On most days, I can’t even manage to keep my punctuation in place.
But, despite all that, there is still a thing going on here with the Journal and Doodle Bible studies and though I don’t quite know why or how, I do have a few insights I’ve learned along the way... if you want to stick around for about 500 more words. (The blogger's magic post length, so I'm told.)
1. I'm on a soda fast. Yup. No more Diet Coke or Pepsi. (I know, you can clean rust off a car and dissolve a quarter in it, but I really enjoy those tasty chemicals!) I figure since I'm no longer drinking soda, my brain is much clearer, right? I'm still waiting for the lovely singing voice, the defined arms and abs, and the full, glossy, slow motion shimmery head of commercial worthy hair, but I know they're coming. Wait for it. #FalsePromises #Sigh
2. The best way to learn something is to teach it. Can I get an ‘Amen’? I have read my Bible for years since becoming a Christian in my teens. I have attended good solid Bible teaching churches and learned much about my Savior, His love for me, and the way I should live. But never in my life have I learned as much as when writing a guide for others. I know the Lord has so much work to do in my life, because He is faithfully pointing out all the areas I need to grow while I'm preparing these studies. #ConvictionHurts #Ouch
3. Sit down, shut up, and just do the thing. I am such an amazing procrastinator. In fact, I’m so good that I have learned to harness my procrastinating powers for good, not evil. When I'm procrastinating I can clean my kitchen sink till it sparkles. I have been known to hem clothes, iron, and clean out under my fridge just to avoid what should be done. I. Am. That. Good. But when these studies started to grow, the Lord showed me my lack of discipline in a new way. So I am learning to do much more sitting and focusing and doing. It's hard. It's a struggle, but it's a good and worthy struggle. Almost every morning, I get up early, turn on the computer, set my getcoldturkey.com blocker for 4 hours, and write. And write. And Write...battling against every fiber of my being. #ProcrastinatorsUnite #Tomorrow
4. There is nothing quite like having your best plans ripped from your hand and getting turned upside down by God. When your best A, B, and C plans end up about as far as the east is from the west and God shows you something harder, but better, it has a humbling and strengthening beyond anything you thought you needed. Putting yourself in a place where God moves is really hard and awfully scary at times, and when you don't have the strength to do it yourself, God can definitely step in and gently push you there until you realize this is where you wanted to be all along. I didn't set out to be a homeschooler, a blogger, a writer. I especially did not plan on being a Bible study author. But here I am, because God’s plans and purposes are much greater than any I had for myself. #PlotTwist #PlanG
5. All Grace, All God. The real reason any of this is anything is ALL God. He can use the most sin-filled, damaged person to do His will because He is who He says He is. He forgives completely. He equips perfectly (even if you don't feel it), and He works His plan just as it was set before the foundation of the world. He calls His own to Him, and His word will never return void. THAT is the only reason any of you are even reading this. It is not me. It is all God. These studies are a way for others to draw close to Him, which brings Him glory. How He can do that through me is way beyond my understanding. I'm just humbled and thankful that He has. #HeisWhoHesaysHeis #Grateful
Thank you, each one of you, for your amazing support. Thank you for your kind words, your encouragement when I'm struggling, and the pictures you send of what God is teaching you through these studies. I truly CANNOT wait till we get to be together in heaven, sitting next to the glassy sea hanging out together. We will never even begin to reach the end of talking about all the wonders of our Savior.
Because you have been such an awesome part of the revolution, I don't want any of you to miss out on the brand new studies through 1 and 2 Corinthians, coming Saturday August 1st. I'm giving away a free copy of both, a day before you can buy, on July 31st! If you'd like a copy, please enter the drawing below. Thank you so much for being such great readers!
To Him be the glory forever and ever!
Enter to win both Bible studies a day before you can buy them!
Hurry, the giveaway ends this Friday!
This giveaway is open to United States residents, ages 18 years and older only. Giveaway ends at 11:59 PM (ET) on Friday, July 31. The winner will be selected at random using Random.org via RaffleCopter.
The winner will notified via email and have 72 hours to respond. You must enter a valid email address to win. In the event that the winner cannot be contacted by email or does not respond within 72 hours, the prize will be forfeited and and alternate winner selected.
Click to read the complete rules. By entering this giveaway, you indicate that you have read and agreed to abide by these rules.
This sounds great! Especially for those who love to draw. Let's dig deep!
ReplyDeleteI think tweens especially (I have two) would really enjoy this form of Bible study, and that in itself is revolutionary!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited for this. I can't wait to get my boys started. I am sure they would love this type of learning.
ReplyDeleteI just discovered your devotionals through WUHS - I love this concept and I think my kids will love it too! My oldest daughter and I have just over the past few months became enamored with doodling so this is the perfect fit.
ReplyDeleteMy children love to draw and I love the idea of engaging their minds in the Word a bit more than just hearing me read to them.
ReplyDeleteMy middle child learns very differently than my oldest and she loves to draw so I think this would be great for her.
ReplyDeleteI have completed several of your Bible studies so far and love them. I have learned so much from digging into the word and doodling. I am a visual learner so these are perfect for me. I have completed Ephesians, Galatians and Colossians/Philemon. I would love to do the Corinthians as well.
ReplyDeleteI love these bible studies. I'm a visual leaner so the drawing help me remember and understand better
ReplyDeleteI want to be part of the revolution that gets people reading the Bible for themselves!!! I have not been able to put it down since I first picked it up. Let's do it!!
ReplyDeleteI just started the Ephesians study and I love it! It is always refreshing to change things up a bit. Thank you so much for following the Lord's leading.
ReplyDeleteThis country is going the wrong way. We were founded on In God We Trust and now God is being eliminated from everything. We need to get Him back in where ever we can. Bible study is a great place to start. We need to get every age group involved in Bible study and have a Jesus Revolution. These are great Bible studies I just love them. and I think that they would be great for every age group.
ReplyDeleteI just discovered this site and love the idea of doodling and journaling our way through the Bible!
ReplyDeletePart of a revolution - changing the world by raising another Christian! :)
ReplyDeleteFound you through WUHS!
I am amazed at your creativity! Thank you for sharing your inspiration!
ReplyDeletePam W
I love this! I've never been artistic, despite my best efforts! I would love to do this with my kids!
ReplyDeletethis whole concept has given me a renewed love for studying His Word--thank you!
ReplyDeleteI'm a MOB Mom (mother of boys) and my revolution is raising four young boys to be Godly men.
ReplyDeleteThe type of study gives me hope. I love art journaling but have no talent. I love Bible Art journaling and since I have no talent I felt I couldn't do it. I can doodle, my teachers hated that...LOL Since I can doodle, I love this study, there is no pressure
ReplyDeleteI was looking for a different kind of study from the question and answer type.journal and doodle really getto the heart. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteLoving your site, found through Pinterest!
ReplyDeleteI was seeking a way to better my relationship with our Lord and this was it! Thank you for all you do. I come from a family of Christians AND artists but I didn't get the artistic talent...still, I try ;) And while I try, I learn so much!
ReplyDeleteI'm part of the revolution because I was missing something important--time in the Word.
ReplyDeleteI'm part of the revolution because I was missing something important--time in the Word.
ReplyDeleteI'm part of the revolution because I was missing something important--time in the Word.
ReplyDeleteI am part of the revolution because Gods Word is what this world desperately needs and Biblical poverty is a real thing.
ReplyDeleteI love the other ones and am looking forward to these new ones!
ReplyDeleteJanna B
I stumbled upon your bible study while look for new ways to dig deeper. Looking forward to starting it.
ReplyDeleteFound your blog while researching bible journaling and I love it. I've started doing a little doodling in my own journaling and it has really changed the way ininteract with the word. I love it!
ReplyDeleteI am currently doing the Ephesians study. I am teaching the method to my children as well. I hope to learn to do it on my own once I have done several of your guides.
ReplyDelete#3, yep, that's me! I've been 'preparing' my journal for over 2 weeks now, in order to get ready to begin the new format of the Ephesians study. No more 'preparing'. I'm starting now! (as soon as I get this post just right...)
ReplyDelete#ProcrastinatorsUnite #Tomorrow
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to doing this study! Seeing the journal pages done by others from the Ephesians study has been inspiring and looks like something I can do!
ReplyDeleteLove learning new and interesting ways to study the Bible and in turn get closer to God. Thank you for the work you put into these Bible studies.
ReplyDeletei love the guidelines instead of the specific q&a format of many other Bible studies!
ReplyDeleteI love Corinthians, this will be such a terrific study! God is using you to reach so many of us, and that is exciting to see. Bless you and your work!
ReplyDeleteI've had my plans ripped from me so many times I can't eve count, but like you said God's plans are better! I'm always amazed when I look back at my own plans and think "why was I thinking that would work?" Ha! I love your studies Kari, and thank you for allowing God to work through you so we can benefit from them :)
ReplyDeleteLove your studies. They are simple, refreshing and creative. Thank you for following his direction and offering this great tool to study His word!
ReplyDeleteI would love to be part of the Bible Study revolution, especially with my kids. I think that journaling with art and doodles can really add to the bible study experience. As we "do" as we read we tend to retain more and I these studies do just that!
ReplyDeleteLast year, I discovered bible journaling and creatively documenting my faith. It's opened up a whole new world for me, and is a new way to grow in my faith and to grow closer with the Lord. I'm excited about discovering your bible studies!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to try out this bible study! I've ordered great books to work through but then don't make it through them. Hoping this format will be what I need.
ReplyDeleteLove your studies and excited about these 2 new ones.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your idea on the drawing out of the Bible chapter! I LOVE this idea! I was literally just talking to my kids yesterday about how important is to use the left side of the brain and the right side of the brain! This does that! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing how God works through these studies. :)
ReplyDeleteI am excited to try this with my 3 kiddos (age 9 - 14)!
ReplyDeleteI am part of the revolution because I am learning to listen to God and not the world. Personalizing and making Bible study fun is helping me.
ReplyDeleteI need to stop procrastinating and just start as well. Would love to win this to get me started!
ReplyDeleteTeaching does teach you so much. What an amazing subject to grow in- God's word.
ReplyDeleteI love the way I see new things when I am doodling.
ReplyDeleteLet's ALL grow together so we can serve the Lord better!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this opportunity!
ReplyDeleteI'm part of the revolution. As a pastor and mom, I get to pass on the insights and creativity from these studies to my children - both biological and spiritual. Love all your work, Kari!
ReplyDeleteCan I ever relate to #3 - procrastination! My biggest challenge is paper work. I detest it, but I also can get a lot of cleaning/organizing while avoiding it. The problem is that the papers don't go away! Where's the Paper-Filer-Fairy?
ReplyDeleteI didn't even know this blog was out there but a month or so ago I found it! I am certain it is not by accident. So I printed the Ephesians study and joined the Revolution. It has been amazing. Along the way, as He often does, the Lord was leading me to spend some time in studying about spiritual warfare - just as I was finishing Eph. chapter 5. How amazing that Eph. 6 was of course the next chapter and there in front of me was the armor of God. I have finished the Ephesians study and am working on a little more spiritual warfare studying - using some of the tools I learned with the doodling and journaling study. I'll be ready for the next one soon. I'd love to win it. That would be an awesome surprise.
ReplyDeleteI think my previous comment disappeared. Pardon if this is a duplicate. Thanks for sharing this great resource. I just downloaded the Ephesians study and I'm excitedly digging into the map. I love cartography and putting things into context. Looking forward to digging into the rest of the study.
ReplyDeleteI am doing my first of your studies using the book of Ephesians. It has been so much fun and I look forward to coming back to it every time I can. I love how the doodling and the guidance given for setting up journal pages has really helped the Word of God to sink in as I study. I think my brain really needed that connection. I now look forward to adding this form of Bible study to our homeschool. I am so looking forward to the Corinthians study so I have more to dive into when I am finished with Ephesian.
ReplyDeleteI'm working on the Ephesians Bible study after recently discovering your blog/studies. I really love it, and it's helped me be excited about Bible study and really dig in.
ReplyDeleteI'm working on the Ephesians Bible study after recently discovering your blog/studies. I really love it, and it's helped me be excited about Bible study and really dig in.
ReplyDeleteI just printed the Ephesians study and I'm excited to check it out! My middle school kiddos LOVE to draw and create, and while I'm not an artist by any means, I'm really excited to join them! Thanks so much for taking the time to put these studies together!
ReplyDeleteYour studies inspire, encourage, and spur me on to dig into the Word. Thank you.
ReplyDeletejennifer w.
I'm excited to use your Ephesians study with my kids. I think that incorporating creative means into Bible study will help bring deeper understanding and aid in retention, plus it's fun! Thanks for sharing your doodling study method and ideas!! Looking forward to the new studies!
ReplyDeletejstoller at ameritech dot net
Sounds simple and useful. Looking forward to doing my first doodle journal Bible study.
ReplyDeleteAn engaging way to study the Lord's Word. Unique!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to be part of the 'doodle'lution ;)
ReplyDeleteI am really digging into God's Word. Thank you for sharing your God given talent with us. God Bless you
ReplyDeleteThis has been a revolutionary way to bible study. Something I can do by myself (though I've already told a few friends about it). Thank you Kari!
ReplyDeleteThese studies have helped me learn and remember so much more from what I learn.
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of incorporating art as a method to hide God's Word in our hearts!! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteGod is using you in a mighty way! I can't wait for the next study!
ReplyDeleteSo excited to use this type of Bible study in our homeschooling.
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a fantastic study!
ReplyDeleteI stumbled upon your site and found a study that finally clicked with my spirit. So much so, we're soon starting this with the high school/young adult girls at church. Praying they love it as much as I do.
ReplyDeleteThe idea of using creativity/drawing to reinforce God's work just strikes a chord deep in my heart. I like that your way appears to be fairly non-intimidating!
ReplyDeleteWe (the kids and me too) have journaled through Proverbs a couple times (picked one verse from each chapter to copy and illustrate). Loved it and love going back to see what we drew years ago. Never thought to do that with other books, an illustration for each section. Love it! Your curriculum sounds great! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are an answer to prayer!!! I have been wrestling with what to do this year with our 4 school age kiddos ( and 2 little tag-alongs!) and I stumbled upon a giveaway and found my way over here! Praise the Lord :) Am looking forward to trying this with my own study time and then with our kids for homeschool!
ReplyDeleteThe idea of drawing to remember Bible verses is a terrific one. I have just recently gotten into art journaling and Bible art journaling, and this would be another way for me to remember scripture and have fun doing it
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of drawing AND not being complicated!
ReplyDeleteI can not wait for this to come out Aug 1st....I love the Ephesians study.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to this!
ReplyDeleteBy drawing what I learn, I'm remembering more than ever; the visual imprint works better in my brain!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your creativity with us all! My artistic, book loving and doodling kids will eat these up. Finally, a good fit bible study program for them all...eileenf4@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI have loved the Ephesians study, and it was my first time to get into doodling and being creative. I've learned alot and really enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteI just left church camp 2 weeks ago and I am still on fire. I am such a visual learner and doodling God's word helps me so much!!
ReplyDeleteI want to grow deeper and this looks like a great place to start! - Tammy
ReplyDeleteThis is something I want to learn to do. I hope I win!
ReplyDeleteThis study falls in line with what our Wednesday night group is using. Thanks for the chance to win
ReplyDeleteI have become a part of this revolution because I knew that I needed to do more then just read God's word, I needed to dig deep into it and your studies have helped me do just that, thank you!
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to this and learning more about the Bible and study habits.!! Congratulations
ReplyDeleteto the blessed winner~
God has been speaking to me all summer about really getting the word into my kids this school year more than previous years. I happened to stumble across your blog and am going to try this this year. I just love how the finished product looks and is easy to go back and read. Coincidentally, my name is Kari also, spelled exactly the same.
ReplyDeleteI just started the Ephesians study and I'm loving it! Can't wait to get to all of the others!
ReplyDeleteI'm part of the revolution because I want to see myself and other women become excited about studying the Word of God.
ReplyDeleteI am just starting the Ephesians study. I love studying the Bible, digging deep into God's Word. I also like to share God's Word with others. I also believe that we need to be more grounded in the Bible as believers so that we can be a witness, salt and light, instead of fitting into the world.
ReplyDeleteI am looking for a way to study that will engage both myself and my two daughters. They are both beginning to discover a love of doodles, so these would be perfect!
ReplyDeleteEphesians has been great. I look forward to doing more with your studies.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny sometimes, God's timing. I had been struggling with how little I really know about or read the Bible and how as a homeschool momma I want my kids to get that knowledge NOW while it is still under my control. So this artsy momma started working on a journaling method for studying the Bible, one I could use on my kids and carry over to our Sunday School class. That's when I found StoneSoupForFive. And there it was, exactly what I had been working on! Now when I talk about Bible journaling, besides giving my take on it I also point people to your Bible Studies. So funny, the way He knits us all together. Looking forward to your new studies.
ReplyDeleteI'm going deeper into the word. Instead of reading quickly I'm looking, studying, defining and I'm getting more out of it
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see so many comments, that means more and more people are discovering your Bible studies.
ReplyDeleteSo looking forward to the new studies!!!
ReplyDeleteSo excited to find your website/blog!! I have been mulling over the idea of Bible Journaling for a little while and now I cannot wait to get started!
ReplyDeleteI find myself looking back over my notes more when I journal doodle. My kids are now grabbing my journal and trying to copy from it.
ReplyDeleteI just finished the Philippians study and am starting Ephesians. It has been a really helpful way to increase my meditation on the Word. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI am part of the revolution because we need to read and follow God's Word.
ReplyDeleteI am just interested in studying the Bible more. Not just reading it but really studying it and understanding it and applying it!
ReplyDeleteI want to know God's Word deeper , and study it in a way that sticks in my head - pictures do that. I'm thankful for your resources!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I do these studies together and we LOVE them! Neither of us are "creative" people, but these studies present ways for us to study God's Word at a deeper level and to really consider our lives and our relationships with God and His people.
ReplyDeleteI am such a bad journaler! I'm hoping that the doodling aspect of this will help!
ReplyDeleteI am not familiar with entering how I enter a valid email? LOL, I'm goofy, I have two, one google I never remember and one yahoo.com I do. claytonrk@yahoo.com. On FB I am Kim Clark Clayton.
ReplyDeleteLove your studies - such good encouragement and accountability. Being able to start with a great idea to dig deeper in the word is refreshing.
ReplyDeleteI want to continue applying God's word to my life - and encourage my kids in that as well. Putting it down on paper will make it stick more - thanks for all the ideas!!
ReplyDeleteI love how the studies add to my time spent with God. I love being able to go through the check marks then if I have time to dig deeper. What a great way to journal your notes!!
ReplyDeleteMy Bible study time needs something fresh and revitalizing! I am excited about this new way of journaling!
ReplyDeleteThis is something that I and my kids would love to do together!
ReplyDeleteUsing the Ephesians study for getting back into routine of beginning my day with God and mentoring two gals on how to do the same!!
ReplyDeleteThese studies look amazing! Thank you for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited about your studies. I am showing them to my ladies in my discipleship class to get them started on a new way to learn the word. They are all relatively new Christians and therefore new to the idea of reading the Word as a way to know Jesus. Thank you again for your innovative studies. In His Arms, Dana
ReplyDeleteMy daughter has asked that we study the Bible more this year in our homeschool. I think your journaling program would fit us great!