Stone Soup for Five: {life} sharing Christ with my neighbors

{life} sharing Christ with my neighbors

This post has been moved to my new blog  Click here to read it.


  1. WOW!!! I love this post. I needed this post. Thank you so much for sharing this. Sunshine

  2. It has taken me minutes to respond because I cannot stop crying. Thank you for sharing your Mr. Larry story and I am lifting you up in prayer as you share Jesus with Karen. Just, WOW!

  3. This post really hit home with this introvert! This story has my name all over it! Thank you for your honesty and openness! I am inspired to stop quenching the Spirit even though as I write this, I am scared to death of what He will have me do! I will pray for you and will you please pray for me?!

  4. Loved this story... Even though I am an active believer, my faith flickered as I went through hard trials while my husband was on hospice. I was so grateful for good, faithful, believing hospice nurses, who shared their faith and strength with me when mine was wanting. I was so grateful one day when the nurse saw tears streaming down my face and she set aside her stethoscope and grabbed my hands and said a prayer for me. Being a widow is so hard for me to accept, let alone embrace, so on the days you see Karen struggling, grab her hands and pray with her and for her. God Bless!

  5. Yes, I'll pray for your courage and obedience! What a wonderful story, and a spiritual gift for Larry.

  6. Kari, I’ve been a long time follower of your blog, your videos, and your studies. But I’ve only jumped in on one live stream to speak up, say hello & ask a question. Introverts are perfectly comfortable being in the background; there but unseen. But once again, it’s like you pulled out my struggles and put them into well-crafted words. I’m gonna read this post to my husband tonight, this is what we’ve been talking about after reading “Live Not By Lies” by Rod Dreher; if we are not standing for truth or speaking truth right now when we still have some of our freedoms, how will we stand when we are facing persecution? If I censor myself out of fear that I may offend someone now, what about when speaking about Christ is considered legit “hate-speech” ... which is not far off. Anyway, thank you, and thank you for sharing with Mr. Larry, even through the fears. You were obedient even if you were scared. -Jennie from CA

  7. A long-time follower, but non-commenter here. Kari, I am SO like you in being an introvert and that I want my actions to do the work... but I'm realizing that if people don't hear the name of Jesus, how can they believe? I don't even know that my neighbors know that I'm a Christian. We've had so many pass in and out of the neighborhood over the last 30 years, that there are some I don't even know. Or, if I do, it's only their name, but wouldn't recognize them if I saw them in a store. I don't even know where to begin to share Jesus. It makes me want to cry, but also makes me want to vomit, to be brutally honest. Let's not forget "ashamed". I've been a believer/follower of Jesus for over 40 years -- I shouldn't struggle with this. I shouldn't be tongue-tied, or silenced because of my lack of knowledge, but yes, I'm ashamed of that. I've gone through a tremendous upheaval in my own spiritual walk over the last two years and discovered that I can't defend my faith if my life depended on it. "I believe just because" and leaving it at that just doesn't cut it. I have prayed that God would open doors. I have prayed that I would have courage to step through them. I have prayed the Holy Spirit would do the talking. I have prayed to be more sensitive to His leading. Thank you so much for sharing your heart, your "short-comings", your desire to be obedient, your encouragement. I bless you. Carolyn Stutz

  8. Kari--you've hit the nail on the head--we are way too quick to THINK we'll stand up to the pressure, yet when the Holy Spirit is practically DRAGGING us into witnessing opportunities in relatively SAFE situations, we're like "" ... all the while thinking, "Hey when things get really tough, why I'll be firm in my faith & I'll stand up to those who persecute."

  9. Praise God! I am so glad you listened to that voice that nudged you! God bless your beautiful soul <3 I pray Mr. Larry got saved and is dancing in heaven with Jesus!

  10. I've prayed for my whole neighborhood and my next-door neighbors for years that they would come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ, but talk to them about Jesus face-to-face? You have issued a white-glove challenge. I pray I can meet it.

  11. I pray for my neighbors and I try to speak truth when I can. Our conversations are usually out front as the kids romp around, but we've had significant conversations even while having kid interruptions. I'll be praying for you. Karen, his widow, is in a deep dark place right now. And a friend who can just sit with her and make her a cup of tea is likely what she needs. Maybe, likely, no words are needed. And I'll be praying for you and her.

  12. I am so happy for you, that you shared Christ! Now every moment you will be alert to what the Holy Spirit desires for you to do. The joy of the Lord is your strength!

  13. What a beautiful story! The Lord has used Mr. Larry to convict you to be more bold in actually speaking forth the gospel. So that's a good thing! And the timing was perfect for Mr. Larry to be in the right place at the very end of his life, and knowing that, to be receptive to hearing you share the gospel. And that's a very good thing!

  14. Oh, this is so achingly honest. Thank you for sharing your heart. I can't begin to tell you how much I relate to this. Your transparency makes me want to be a better woman. Thank you.


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