Stone Soup for Five: {2021 garden} The garden in March

{2021 garden} The garden in March

This post has been moved to my new blog OrdinaryKari.comClick here to read it.


  1. You're hired! :-D We have tried again and again, all we seem to grow is dirt. :) You're garden, and it's progression, is a testament to all your sweat equity. Can't wait to see the pictures of the future bounty!

  2. We tried the horse manure but it had so many weeds (thistles, stinging neddles and clover).
    The thistles spread so fast I finally gave up. it was in a big square garden, not in beds which i switched to. I will have to say though, that we live in the country and you also can't stop the thistles from blowing in the wind to add to the problem. Glad yours worked out with the horse manure.

  3. How fun! I expanded my garden that I started last year, and its time for me to get tomatoes and peppers to put out. I've got corn and peas and pumpkins in one bed, tomatoes and peppers in the other, plus a small herb bed, and another with just calendula growing. In fact, both of my big beds I started lasagna style. Now, we've got a very biodiverse yard (that is to say, lots of not-grass), and the grass is Bermuda, so its aggressive. Thus, I laid several layers of cardboard, plus compost and used hay when I could get it (neighbor's had goats). Yes, I have cow parsnip from the used hay now, but I'll take it.


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