Stone Soup for Five: {sermon notes} experimenting with Cornell Notes

{sermon notes} experimenting with Cornell Notes


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  1. I love this idea. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Great idea! I used to do something similar with notes in school but never tried this with my sermon notes. Hmmmmm

  3. I am going to try this method. On the weekend I was watching a video about Cornell notes and I wondered if they would be of use for Bible study, lectures, sermons and so on. I am definitely going to give this a try. I have just begun a study on the book of Ruth which consists of a study portion, group discussion and then a video lecture so this will be an interesting method to put into use. Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. This is great! I have used the Cornell Notes style "live" in sermon note-taking in the past. It helps to lay out the blank page ahead of time. The video and your suggestions are very helpful. Thank you for sharing this!

  5. As a college student I used Cornell Notes, and as a teacher I've modified them for my special education students, but I never thought about using them for sermon and Bible study notes. Thanks.

  6. Hi there! This is a great idea and I would love to recommend it to families in my church - I think it could work perfectly for anyone 6th grade and above. I have a question - as an experienced journal / note-taker, what would you recommend for kids ages 8-11? After kids complete 2nd grade, we have them in our service with us, and parents have expressed a desire for a sermon note-taking tool to help them. Any recommendations or resources would be greatly appreciated - thank you so much!!

    1. I highly recommend anything by Kristen, and she has a free resource for kids sermon notes that looks awesome here:


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