Stone Soup for Five: Menu Planning Challenge... it's ON!

Menu Planning Challenge... it's ON!

Are you up for making May less chaotic?  And saving time?  And saving money?  Being more hospitable?  Helping others?  Being more beautiful and graceful?

It all starts with meal planning (well, probably not more beautiful and graceful.. but all the others, for sure!)

I'm going to walk you step by step through how I plan my meals and by the end of April, we'll have May ready to go!  You'll also be prepped to make meal planning a breeze for all the months following May (and you'll even have a couple meals in the freezer for you or to give away to friends or family in need of a break.)

Are you ready to be even more amazing than you already are?  A modern day June Cleaver or Samantha Stevens (without the cool special effects though, sorry.)

Today starts Week One and here's your to-do list:

Week One

  • Go through your old recipes and cull any you don't or won't make anymore
    • get rid of any printed recipes that were flops or too troublesome to repeat
    • don't forget to go through recipe cards you might have and organize and cull those too
    • you can also cull any cookbooks you don't or haven't used
  • After culling, organize the recipes you have
    •  categorize them according to main ingredients.  For example: beef recipes, chicken, pasta, meatless, seafood, side dishes, salads, soups, desserts, breakfast, etc.
    • mark any recipes in cookbooks that you've tried and liked or would like to try
That's it for this week!
Next week we'll be creating some quick reference lists and creating meal themes!

I'll be over on Facebook this week in the Journal and Doodle group sharing some of my favorite cookbooks and recipes and encouraging others to share their tried and true recipes (#nomorepinterestfails). 
Join us (click here) and share with us!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea. I have been winging it for awhile now and the cupboards and freezer are bare. Time to get meal planning organized again!


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